Monday, September 25, 2006

Super, Indeed

Superman Returns was awesome (again). If you haven't had a chance to see it, it's at the IMAX in Davenport until Sunday (Oct 1), and there was a coupon in the Observer to get in for $5 with Augie ID (thanks Vivian!).

Am I the only one who...

thinks that this is a sad movie (I'm the only one who thinks "As Good As It Gets" is sad)?

doesn't like Lois Lane? Superman does, that's what matters.

thinks Superman got his dad's advice all wrong? Humanity doesn't need magic, it needs someone to light the way. But, wait, maybe he is lighting the way -- observe Kitty (hopefully that's not too much of a spoiler).


Alainadragon said...

I don't particularly like Lois either. She is to self centered. She will do whatever she wants even if others tell her to do something else or if it gets her into trouble *again*. She also ignors those who just want to be friends with her, like poor Clark.
One of the 3-D secens should have been the begining when the sun when nova and then we were going through space. It would have been perfect.

Augie Physics said...

Also, to quote another of our favorite movies, "Did you get engaged to your prince that same hour, or did you wait a whole week out of respect for the dead?" (For "prince" read nephew of your boss, rather than son of your king).

And that would have made an awesome 3D scene. Too awesome?