Friday, October 27, 2006

Change is Good?

The Augie faculty voted Thursday to change our academic schedule. Starting with the 2008-09 academic year, we will be on a 10-5-5-10 system, beginning a week earlier than in the past. Instead of having 3 ten-week terms, we will have a ten-week fall term, two 5-week halves of winter-term (with the break between halves falling at Christmas/New Years), and a ten-week spring term.

The physics department will likely continue to offer 3 sets of 10-week classes, and not take advantage of the new possiblity of offering 5-week classes.

One rationale for the change was to put the winter break at midterms, half-way through winter term. However, most physics courses are planned in thirds rather than halves, with two midterms, so this makes our break timing worse instead of better.

The other rationale was to provide flexibility. Winter term could be ten-week courses or five-week courses or some of each. I'm afraid my brain may need extra flexibilty to figure out student schedules.


Alainadragon said...

Whaaaa....? And why did they decide to do this? It makes no sense. We students will also need a pretty flexible brain to figure out our own schedules. Good thing physics won't be messing with there classes because of this.

Anonymous said...

I personally am planning on breaking the semester into 10 one-week courses, where we will meet 3 times a week for 12.5 hours each class. That way I can teach 2 years worth of classes in 10 weeks and take the other 96 weeks off.