Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Kind of a Bummer

The physics club got two pieces of communication from the national SPS today:

One informed us that we will not be receiving a SOCK outreach kit, because the demand was too high, and they ran out. Bummer - guess we'll have to splurge and buy our own hand boilers.

We also learned today that our adviser did not win the SPS Outstanding Adviser Award, although the nomination was excellent, and he is clearly doing a great job, and we should all be very proud of him.

Not all news is good.

1 comment:

Augie Physics said...

Yay! My faith in humanity is restored. Just got another letter from the national SPS -- a handwritten apology, and a copy of the original letter, this time with all the he's, him's, and his's changed to she's, her's, and her's.
Man! I feel like a woman!