Thursday, November 30, 2006

Physics Club Meeting Minutes - Nov. 30th

Several fun things happening before break -- check it out.
Next meeting will be week 3, and don't forget we have 4 weeks of classes before break :-(

Meeting minutes from Nov. 30th courtesy of Alaina

-We decided to continue to donate money to the robotics team. The team will have a booth set up at the Bald Eagle Days. If you would like to you can help staff the booth. You will be with one of the people from the team so you won't be there on your own. We can also visit the booth. Bald Eagle days is the first weekend of January.

-There will be a get together at Dr. Sieglaff's house on Dec. 9th. We will go there around 2ish. More details will be coming.

-Remember there is the trip to Fermi lab this Sunday. We will meet in room 120 at 10am and leave no later than 10:30. We should be back around 6:30-7ish.

-Bring ideas for the physics club tee shirt to the next meeting. One idea out there is to have the Dark Side of the Moon album cover with corrected physics.

-We will have the panel discussion in late January early Febuary. The discussion will be over nuclear physics/energy and the environment.

-Tentativly we will being doing demos at Moline H.S. on Dec. 14th.

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