Monday, January 29, 2007

APOP Website

The Augustana Physics Outreach Program website is now up and running. Now you'll have a place to check to find out about upcoming outreach programs. The link will be available in the left margin of this page any time you need it.

The site also has plenty of photos and a listing of some of the demos we do. Jenna needs help with this: Who can do demos for her to take photos of? Can you think of more demos to be included on the page?

If you follow the link to "Contact us," you'll see an image at the top. Help me identify the fourth person in 3-D glasses with Jenna, Marc, and Mike C. Anybody recognize him? Is it Mitchko?

1 comment:

BlueMarble said...

just so everyone knows, i have the cd with the pictures from Rivermont still, i havnt been able to get out there with it. if anyone wants to take it over there for me that would be great, otherwise i need to find time still to get over there.
