Thursday, January 11, 2007

Minutes of the Jan 11 Physics Club Meeting

Meeting minutes courtesy of Alaina:

Physics Club meeting minutes from Jan 11.

-Next Friday the 19th, we are doing a Science day at Rivermont Prep School in Bettendorf. There will be two times that we will have people leaving to go to the school, 11:15 a.m. (after B) and 12:30 (after C). Both times the people who are going will meet in room 120 in the Science Building.

Open House
-We will be doing a take on the Mythbusters theme. We also might have someone build a Rube Goldberg device.

Iowa State
-Augie will get the dates for when the Virtual Reality tours are happening and we will decide on a date to go.

-We will be having a t-shirt contest to chose the design for this year's shirt. Bring your idea to the next meeting and we will take vote for which one we like best. The winner will get half off on the price of their shirt.

-Both Dr Carkner and Dr Vogel will be going on sabbatical next year, and we will be hiring someone to replace Dr Renneke next year.

Also Alaina was too humble to brag that she was announced as the winner of our first-ever blog contest. If you need her, she'll be at Whitey's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.