Monday, February 26, 2007

Guess Who I Saw...

... while in Michigan. OK, I suppose there's no reason you'd ever guess. I went to a talk at Michigan State entitled "Religion, Science, & the Philosphy of Science in the Courtroom: the Kitzmiller Creation Case" by Robert Pennock. It was a very good talk, laying out the evidence clearly without sounding confrontational.

So why should you know him? He spoke at Augustana, Darwin Day 2003. He remembers Augustana, was quite impressed with the Darwin Club, and talked about the Darwin Club T-shirt he was given. Pretty cool that Augie made an impression on him.

BTW, Tom, if you read this, you might be surprised to know that you are still president of Darwin Club - at least according to their webpage.

On a related note:
Kansas Rewrites Science Standards Again

from the Kansas City Star

TOPEKA, Kan. - Kansas has repealed public school science guidelines questioning the theory of evolution that brought the state international ridicule... (see more)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dr. vogel/mrs. vogel/nick's mom is the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!