Saturday, March 31, 2007

Enjoyed the ISAAPT Meeting

The Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers Spring Meeting at Western Illinois University was this weekend. What did I get for my registration fee?

*Got to play with a robot (Lego Mindstorms) - taught it to drive straight, drive in circles, stop before it fell off the edge of a table, follow a track.

*Got to see friends/colleagues from around the state, and a couple former students who are now at Western. Good to see you, Tom and Brett!

*Got to listen to talks on a wide variety of topics: demos, teaching philosophy, gender bias, high tech teaching, ... Don't be surprised if I come back to class on Monday recharged with new ideas, new demos, and renewed vigor!

*Got a good excuse to put off my grading :-)


Notes relating to previous posts:

You might think this is just a cute kitty, but look closely at her mouth :-P

Also kinda funny is the first autonomous score made by my son's team's robot in Chicago. Yes, we did mean to do that.

1 comment:

Alainadragon said...

KITTY!!! Hehe, kitty is sticking it's tongue out at us.