Friday, May 04, 2007

Meeting Minutes - May 3

Physics club meeting minutes, May 3, 2007
-- courtesy of Alaina

The bake sale was a sucess! We made $75.30.

Trivia Night is Friday, tomorrow, at Pepsico and it starts at 7 (be there at 6:00 if you can help setup -cjv). Our team is Louis, Zach F., Zach N., Alaina, Jake, and Erik.

T-Shirt will be done by next week. Jenna will send out an email when you can pick them up.

On Monday we will be going to Ribco for the burger baskets. We will meet at the north end of the Science building at 6:45 for rides.

Ideas for next year.
-Kiddie pool full of Oobleck
-VR!! at Deer or U of I
-Build a catapult

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