Sunday, July 29, 2007

Phunday Again

Jake tells me he has built a trebuchet, and he will let me play with it! And he will donate it to the physics club. How much attendance do you think we'd get at our first club meeting if we advertised that we would be tossing stuff with a trebuchet! Oh, yeah!

Jake, got any pictures?


BlueMarble said...

I do have pictures! i need to scale them down and upload them online. i will get around to it. lol, but anyways it rocks!

Oh yeah, i hate, HATE the captchas
nygmsif my butt!

meagb said...

Oh, I would have LOVED to play with a trebuchet at physics club. All WE ever got to do was talk about how everyone who knew anything about the hovercraft had graduated...

Augie Physics said...

bluemarble: Let us know when the photos are up.

Maybe I'll turn off the captchas, since I moderate anyway. If I get inundated, they'll be back.

meaghan: You and your buddies in Madison could build one, or you could come visit physics club!

All you ever got to do?!
Don't you remember these events...
eating marshmallows and LN ice cream, the greatest open houses ever, superhero physics, virtual reality, and (drumroll, please) pyrotechnics! You didn't do everything, but I thought you generally had a good time (I did!)

And the hovercraft is still coming - really.