Phunday: Season Finale
Searching for "life as we don't know it"!
Little green men are way more like us than they are different from us. And even though NASA doesn't expect to find little green men any time soon, they are thinking very inside-the-box looking for water-based life forms and carbon-based organic molecules.
A National Research Council panel is calling on NASA to be more imaginative in thinking about alien life forms.
The panel suggests such things as life based on methane or ammonia instead of water, and even solid and gaseous life forms, whereas we are, for the most part, liquid. Please help me imagine a gaseous life form; I'm having a little trouble with that one.
Seems to me NASA should just start watching old Star Trek reruns. Sure they had a lot of human-like aliens, but they also had such fun aliens as silicon-based life forms and beings of pure energy.*
So let your imagination run wild. If you had to make up an alien, what would it be like?
BTW, you can read the 116-page report online, but I don't suggest you read the FoxNews article, which contains the line, "Despite UFO reports, scientists have not yet found any evidence for life beyond Earth." All this evidence of aliens collected by non-scientists, and scientists just can't seem to to see it!
*Of course, I am a being of pure energy!
And for the season finale, a couple of my favorite LOLTheorists:
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