Monday, November 16, 2009

Leonid Meteor Shower Tonight!

The Earth will be passing through the heart of the debris left by the tail of comet Tempel-Tuttle. This debris burning up in our atmosphere should produce quite a show of meteors in the sky. For the US, the best time to watch for meteors will be in the early morning hours on Nov 17.

Find your way out to the country if you can, and find a dark sky away from the light pollution prevalent in cities.

The radiant (or apparent source) of the meteor shower rises about local midnight (wherever you are), so don't expect to see anything before that. The radiant will rise in the east, but the meteors will shoot in all directions, so if your eastern sky is lit by a nearby town, you may want to look a different, darker direction.

Looks like it will be cloudy here tonight - hope you have better luck with clear skies! You may want to look for remnants of the meteor shower in the early morning hours on the 18th, if your weather is bad tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Late for a Leonid, but I believe there was a nice meteor during the womens' final soccer game Friday. Anyone else see it?