Monday, September 18, 2006

Too much pizza?

The first physics club meeting of the school year was a success.  
Attendance was a little lower than hoped (we only ate 4 of the 5 pizzas), but maybe that'll pick up as the term goes on.  If you have any ideas to increase attendance, let me know.  Maybe some people were just afraid Dr. Renneke would take their picture!

Those who did attend had great ideas for activities for the term.  We have stuff lined up already for the next two Sundays:

Anyone interested in going to Superman Returns at the IMAX this Sunday (9-24) at 3 pm, please e-mail me.  Also let me know if you need a ride, or if you can offer a ride to other people.  Superman in 3D -- what more could you want?

The following weekend (10-1), we will have an Open House for grade school kids.  We will repeat the demos we did last spring celebrating Ben Franklin's 300th birthday.  
Maybe we can have birthday cake this time.  
Unfortunately many of the people who 
did these demos last year have graduated, 
we'll need some new blood.  Interested?  
Contact Jenna McAdam, and find out how fun it is to have kids look up to you like you're a brilliant scientist.  Is that how it feels to be Stephen Hawking? 

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