Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"We Have a Boat"

Alaina, Sarah, and Rachel have been working hard to prepare for the cardboard boat regatta on Saturday (Oct 14).  We are reinforcing last year's boat, which worked pretty well, and creating newly-designed oars, which didn't.

If you can help work on the boat tomorrow (Thursday), meet in room 121 at 4:30.  There may be more building sessions, as needed.  Keep an eye on your e-mail.

On Saturday, come on out and cheer for physics club at the race.   Last year we took second place in the women's division - even with bad oars.  Let's see what we can do this year!

I'm not sure what time we will be racing. On the homecoming schedule, the time period from 10 am to 1 pm is set aside for the "Homecoming Festival" which includes the "Cardboard Boat Regatta and Student Barbeque" (I think I'll eat something other than barbequed student, thank you).   Anybody know any more specifics on the schedule? 


Alainadragon said...

Aww, but barbequed student is so good. *evil grin* Lets hope this years oars work better than last years. But we shall see.

Tom Foss said...

Good to see that the "I've got a boat" meme lives on.

Anyway, about this boat, shall we see pictures at some point? What's the design like? How'd you design the paddles?

Alainadragon said...

When you see the boat you will be stuck at how familier it looks. :) We are useing the same boat and have just reinforced the bottom alot. The paddles we have compleatly redesigned though. They have cardboard tubes for the handles and the blade part is curved to scoop more water.

Alainadragon said...

I have a write up of the race here if you want to read it and see what you missed.