Thursday, January 18, 2007

Kinda Funny

I have to keep my sense of humor while reading mounds of applications for Dr. Renneke's job (some of which are quite good, but sorry Derek, no clones of Dr. Sieglaff). Here's what has amused me lately:

*I guess my Slippery Slope Post jinxed me. I slipped on the slope today - guess which way. Yes, I was going uphill. I slipped, but didn't fall forward and catch myself. Instead I snowboarded (without the board) backward all the way down the hill. I was a little worried I'd slip all the way into the driveway in front of an SUV. Instead I was just a wonderful source of amusement for its occupants. I've said it before; I'll say it again: Friction is our friend.

*Did you know that the Naked Trucker went to Augie? Makes us all proud! I watched the premiere this week, and his dry humor was actually somewhat amusing. I doubt it'll be the kind of thing I'll get hooked on, though. OK, let's take a vote: Which is cooler that Naked Trucker went to Augie or that a Physics Nobel Laureate (Daniel Tsui) is an Augie grad?

*Who says time travel isn't possible?

Don't forget APOP outreach tomorrow! Meet room 120 at 11:30 or 1:00. APOP website coming soon, right Jenna?


Alainadragon said...

LOL. Now if someone got a picture of you sliding down the hill that would be priceless.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is Dr. V. For some reason I will have to work on why the picks will upload but not show on the webpage, but anyway I threw it up on my PH316 Computer Applications website. :P

"Houston we have a problem. The pictures just don't want to show."

Augie Physics said...

Alaina: Maybe the people in the SUV had a video camera and I'll show up on YouTube.

Jenna: Yay, we have pictures now! I'll put a link to APOP under links - don't let me forget.