Friday, March 09, 2007

Minutes of the March 8 Physics Club Meeting

Physics club meeting minutes courtesy of Alaina:

-We have hired Jim van Howe to replace Dr Renneke.

      -The robotics team we sponsor will be competing in Chicago on the 16th and 17th. If you want to go please contact Dr. Vogel for information on where the competition will be and at what times.

     -We will also be sponsoring a trivia night that the robotics team will hold here at Augie.

-There will be an Astronomy Open house on Saturday April 21st, from 8:30 to 10pm. Dr Carkner is looking for volunteers for this event.

-The button committee will meet on Tuesday from 10:30ish to 12:30ish in the physics lab.

-The open house committee will meet after the next club meeting to discuss the demos that we will be doing.

-The biology club wants to do a science team for Relay for Life. If you are interested in participating please contact Kristin Sentman.

-The panel discussion will be April 26th at 5pm.


Augie Physics said...

ALso: Alaina will be ordering a couple posters for room 120, and there are a few we already had that we can post.

Anonymous said...

The panel will actually be Monday April 16th