Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Much Joy in Mudville!

We may have struck out last year in our attempt to hire a faculty member to the department, but this year we hit a homerun.

Yes, it is true: Jim van Howe has accepted our offer. Yeah! We are looking forward to working with him, and I'm sure Dave Renneke is looking forward to retiring for real.

Thanks to all the students who met with Jim. You let him know that Augustana has wonderful students and is a great place to teach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know who else was in the candidate pool, but I was a year older than Jim at Augie and remember how clever he was…I believe he assisted me one late night when I was at whit’s end. Though I no longer have much relationship with the physics department, I am confident that Jim and his wife Farah will be a great addition to the Augie community! -Eric S. Anderson ‘99