Monday, March 05, 2007

Mmmm... Green Cheese

One last post about how out of the loop of happenings I have been lately:

Saturday evening I was out and happened to see a nice crescent moon in the sky. That's odd, I said to myself, I thought the moon was almost full just yesterday. Have I lost my mind? Did my students have the Haitian wipe my memory so I'd forget they flunked the quantum final? Did the man in the moon get hungry?

So, as it turns out, the explanation was much simpler: a lunar eclipse. How did I not know that was coming? I am definitely keeping my eye on the news a little better from now on.

Next lunar eclipse: Aug. 28, 4:50 a.m.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Interesting link. I was searching for Augie March (Aussie band) and came across March. Nice one. Anywho, keep it up.

Augie Physics said...

Thanks for the kind words, Andrew. And thanks for an idea for a new post.