It doesn't collapse until you bite into it...
The quantumberry at the Vogel place is currently in a superposition state of strawberry, blueberry, and blackraspberry.
Speaking of which, we've made $40 on our pie sale so far this year, and expect to make at least $110 more.
One more thing: Thanks to Jenna and Alaina for helping write up the chapter annual report for the national SPS. Think it'll get us an Outstanding Chapter Award again?
Ooh tasty pie. *steals pies and eats them* hehehe
That'll be $150, please.
PIE!!! i getz me one of those soonz
Just let me know when you want it, and you're deliscious pi will be delivered in the count of 1, 2, 3.141592653589793238462643383...
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