Saturday, June 16, 2007

It doesn't collapse until you bite into it...

The quantumberry at the Vogel place is currently in a superposition state of strawberry, blueberry, and blackraspberry.

Speaking of which, we've made $40 on our pie sale so far this year, and expect to make at least $110 more.

One more thing: Thanks to Jenna and Alaina for helping write up the chapter annual report for the national SPS. Think it'll get us an Outstanding Chapter Award again?


Alainadragon said...

Ooh tasty pie. *steals pies and eats them* hehehe

Augie Physics said...

That'll be $150, please.

BlueMarble said...

PIE!!! i getz me one of those soonz

Augie Physics said...

Just let me know when you want it, and you're deliscious pi will be delivered in the count of 1, 2, 3.141592653589793238462643383...